Hi and Welcome....

The reason for my blog is that Colin had Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (secondary kidney cancer). In addition to this, his eldest brother David died in April 2008, 5 weeks after being diagnosed with Laryngeal Cancer and his elder sister Sue was diagnosed with Lobular Breast Cancer in March 2009 and sadly passed away in June 2014. All that said, I am still smiling and trying to be up beat about everything because if I wasn’t I don’t think I would cope as well as I have so far. Sadly Colin passed away on 23rd Dec 2009.

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Friday, 26 June 2009

June Update

Colin went to see an ENT (ear, nose & throat) consultant today, had camera put up his nose to look at his throat. Result was one of the tumors is pushing on a nerve cluster in his chest which is affecting the vocal cords on the left paralizing them. The consultant was suprised at how well Col could talk considering the above. Hopefully the HD IL-2 treatment in Manchester will shrink the tumor that is causing the problem.

We will be off to Manchester again on 24th July for Col’s CT Scan to see if the treatment has worked.

Before that though we are off to Minehead (Butlins) on Monday for a well deserved holiday.

In memory of Colin’s brother David, Church Organist, a MEMORIAL CONCERT will be held on Sunday July 12th 7.30pm. at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Bransford Road, St. John’s, Worcester.

The recital will be given by a very talented young man, James Luxton who is Organist at Sts Mary & John’s Church in Wolverhampton and is also Organ Scholar at St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham.

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